Let’s equip ourselves to go into battle with the Armour of God in place. His protection. He will lead.

Join us for REAL 2024!

A weekend full of fun, laughter, hearing from God, worship, teaching from inspiring speakers and much more. Come expecting to be encouraged as we hear testimonies of God at work in people's lives. REAL Courage is our theme this year, looking at stepping into His purposes for our lives with Confidence & Contentment.

We are expectant for God to move in a powerful way. We are really looking forward to you being with us at REAL 2024! See you there!

’Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, be courageous, be strong. Do everything in love.’

1 Corinthians 16 v 13-14

Friday 17th May 2024 7pm - 9.30pm


Saturday 18th May 2024 9am - 5pm


Meet our speakers

We have the privilege of Damilola and Andrea sharing with us this year at REAL. Both are incredibly inspiring women - we know we’re going to leave being majorly blessed!

  • Damilola is on staff at the Evangelical Alliance and KXC (King’s Cross Church). She has been deeply formed by the Scriptures and relishes the opportunity to share in their wealth and wisdom with others.

    Damilola studied law and was called to the Bar because she believes the law and public life more generally is a key arena in which to witness to the gospel. This understanding was always around her as she grew up in the church, but it crystallised when she did an internship with the Evangelical Alliance straight out of university. How she goes about manifesting this belief looks different now to what she had in mind while training, but her work in churches still reflects this core idea – Jesus is Lord over all things, including the public and political life of this nation.

    She is regularly invited to encourage churches about the necessity of maintaining and demonstrating evangelical conviction in public life.

    ‘Don’t shrink back – your voice is needed’.

  • Andrea is on the senior leadership team at Hope, she is married to Gary who leads Hope Church Orpington congregation and together Gary and Andrea have 3 Children, Molly 25, Lily 22, and Jacob 16. Andrea is trained in early years child development for 0-7 year olds, and worked in inner London before having their 3 children. Andrea loves to hang out with friends, chatting together over food or a coffee!

    She is passionate about seeing the Holy Spirit encountering and equipping lives and the Church being full of people walking in the freedom of the Spirit, knowing the truth of the word of God. She is very excited in helping to develop female leaders and passionate in seeing the way God is organically growing many women through discipleship.

    Andrea had a God given vision for REAL back in 2019 of which came to birth for the first event in 2022. She is excited to see the Holy Spirit move in women’s lives and see them grow into their full potential in Christ as Warrior Women ready for battle. And looks forward to many more REAL conferences to come!



  • Bobbi Kumari is a fashion designer, teacher, author, podcaster and speaker. She is founder of Living in Light - an online Fashion and Lifestyle brand and is also host of the Sexposed Conference.

    Bobbi carries an anointing to minister in the areas of identity, image and intimacy and she is passionate about intercession. Her heart’s desire is to see every generation liberated, restored and empowered, to pursue true freedom and intimacy. She longs to see the bride of Christ equipped, purified and beautified and carries a heart for soul winning. She is also a school and strip club Chaplain. 

  • Naomi Aidoo is an Author, Coach and Founder of Time & Pace®, and helps people grow towards their goals, making their success sustainable. Through her signature T.I.M.E framework and with a faith focus, Naomi helps clients reframe their mindset, build momentum toward their goals, and obtain work-life well-being. She is also Co-Director of Innerscope, an education coaching company she leads with her husband James. Naomi is a qualified Teacher and previously worked in secondary schools for seven years.

    Naomi's debut book 'Finding Flourishing - Time & Pace for your work-life wellbeing' will be published by BRF in July 2024. She has been a regular contributor to Premier Radio’s ‘Thought of the Day’ and has written for various publications, including Waverly Abbey's 'Inspiring Women Every Day'. She lives in South London, England with her husband and her two young children. You can find her at timeandpace.com.

  • Karen was born and brought up in the south-centre city of Uberlandia, Brazil (800K pop.). She is married to Flavio, has 2 grown up children and one gorgeous grandson (another one due in August). Karen graduated in Interior Design and is also an artist with realised exhibitions in Brazil, Italy and England.

    She left a loving family, a vibrant culture, pleasant weather, the youth leadership of a thriving church of approx. 1200 at the time (approx. 90 congregations now) and her promising career to come to the UK in the early 90's to work as a missionary, initially in a Baptist Church in Southall, West London and then Edinburgh. She was part of the group which pioneered a grass-roots missionary movement to evangelise the nations and revitalise the Church in the UK and Europe through facilitating several church-to-church partnerships between Brazilian, British and European churches. During this time she has organised several short term mission teams from the UK to Brazil and vice-versa involving thousands of young and experienced Christians leaders. She and her family also worked as missionaries for 3 years in the city of Bergamo, northern Italy where they cooperated with local Italian churches and developed evangelistic activities through an Arts project deployed in public schools in that city.

    Karen loves working with children and women and enjoys entertaining family and friends.

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